Gamatui Community, Uganda Instant Coffee — Blueprint Coffee Gamatui Community, Uganda Instant Coffee — Blueprint Coffee

Gamatui Community, Uganda – Instant Coffee


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We’re featuring traceable specialty coffee from Gamatui Community, Uganda for our sixth release of Instant Coffee. We collaborated with Swift Cup Coffee to bring this offering to market. Just tear open a packet, mix it with about 10 ounces of hot or cold water, and stir. The resulting brew is the next best thing to a freshly brewed cup at one of our coffee bars.

Are you doing a double take at this product? That makes sense because most freeze-dried/instant coffee is absolutely terrible. That is because the worst of the worst coffee is used to make most of the products in the grocery stores. We have been tasting soluble coffee from other roasters and have been impressed with the results. Our R&D process was lengthy and we found the brewing and dehydration process used by Swift Cup offered the best representation of our coffees. 

The specialty instant Gamatui Community coffee from Uganda is an amazing alternative to all those times when you can’t get to a Blueprint Coffee Bar or you don’t have your scale, dripper, and burr grinder with you. Some great situations for Blueprint Instant:

  • Camping
  • Smoothies
  • Cooking/Baking
  • Visiting your parents over the holiday…..(we see you 26-month-old can of store brand)
  • The office
  • A pack in the glove box for road trips
  • In your purse/bag for when you can’t make it to the coffee shop before work
  • Tucked into a saddle bag to turn that water bottle into a cold brew along your century ride
  • On a long flight
  • Hotel rooms



This is our fifth year serving this spectacular coffee from the Gamatui Community in Uganda. Gamatui is located on the slopes of the oldest volcano in eastern Africa, Mount Elgon, and in close proximity to the Sipi waterfalls. The nearby Siri Falls Mill processing the cherries after harvest by the Gamatui Community farms.

In past years, we touched on the history of coffee production in Uganda and the evolution of quality after the liberalization of the country’s coffee sector in the ‘90s. Not so long ago, Uganda was best known for its DRUGAR, or Dried Ugandan Arabica. In this production model, farmers are responsible for harvesting, processing, and drying coffee cherries before the product leaves their farm. This is labor intensive and typically produces inconsistent results and lower quality coffee.

The transition to specialty coffee processing methods in Uganda opens a lot of opportunities for local farmers. Kawacom is a sister company of Atlantic Specialty and operator of the Sipi Falls Mill. Freshly harvested cherries are delivered to the mill, which removes additional labor from the farmers and expedites their ROI. Sipi Falls manages the washing, drying, and milling processes to get the best out of the harvest. This increases quality and value of the cherry, resulting in a higher price for the farmers and ultimately a better standard of living.

Gamatui Community coffee represents a journey: from farm to mill, from hillside to café, from old methods to new. Anticipate a bright, sweet coffee with powerful fruity notes and a delightful, dense molasses finish.



berry, toffee, orange, cherry, brown sugar

Kapchorwa, Mt. Elgon
1900 MASL
Natural, Freeze Dried
SL-34, SL-14, Bourbon
Nov. 2020 - Jan. 2021
Partnership Length:
5th Harvest
Sourcing Partners:
Atlantic Specialty (importer)
Cut Sheet - Gamatui Community
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