“For the Pros” Barista Relief Program and Fundraiser

For most of 2020, COVID-19 has changed our business significantly at Blueprint Coffee. But while operations at two of our coffee bars are only open for pick up service and the third is suspended, we’ve been fortunate to have our 83-year-old, German-made coffee roaster cranking out website orders and keeping our staff employed.

Our “For the Pros” fundraising initiative launched in April. At the time, many of our wholesale partners were also temporarily closed and forced to make the extremely difficult decision to furlough their employees. We had a surplus of coffee and a mission to support our community.

Today, while most restaurants and coffee shops are back operating in some capacity, the baristas continue to face financial hurdles. A potential exposure to the COVID-19 virus often forces an unpaid leave of absence to quarantine, with only limited government assistance available.


Provide COVID-19 Relief for Local Baristas

To support our “For the Pros” fundraiser, we’re now offering various blends to the public for bulk purchases — with a portion of each sale dedicated to a relief fund for baristas who are currently out of work.

Here’s the plan:

Any barista who has experienced job loss or reduction of income as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic can apply for financial aid through For the Pros. Click here to apply.

Accepted applicants will be awarded up to $300, based on a percentage of the impact to their most recent wages. While employees of Blueprint Coffee and wholesale partners will receive priority, any barista can apply for this aid program.


Thank You for Supporting Blueprint Coffee

In these challenging times, we appreciate your decision to support our local operations and our team of talented baristas. Blueprint Coffee has been a proud member of the St. Louis community since we opened our first location on the Delmar Loop in 2013. And we can’t wait to welcome the public back inside our coffee bars when it is safe to gather again.

A portion of all sales of our blends will be added to our new barista relief fund, “For the Pros.” Remember, you can also donate to this fund through a virtual tip jar via our online store along with coffee, tea and Blueprint merchandise.

Please share this opportunity with the barista in your life who may be experiencing financial difficulties. If you have any questions about this program, please contact [email protected].